You are born and you develop as a pupa. You try all the ways to protect the pupa and survive the repressions of society. It is only until the late teens one experiences the inadequacy of the pupa he is living in. Again, due to factors such as social co-existence and need for making earning, we sink into the same pupa. We make slight modifications in the self-perception to accommodate the growing, feeling of insufficiency. These modification lead to more conflicts within himself and with the external world. In the dazed state of inadequacy. he lives as child submerged below the layers of social incumbency. Such adults even after they have kids relate to kids, the same way kids relates to kids. Maturity comes from breaking out of the pupa and blossoming into completeness. Such a person starts living his essence, unmodified in any sort of way. Such a person is a fully integrated person.


After you are born, you undergo changes and develop into a pupa. You try different ways to protect your pupa and survive the repressions of a society. It is only after the late teens, you experience the inadequacy of your pupa. However, you sink into the same pupa because of factors such as social co-existence or the need to earn money. To accommodate the growing feeling of inadequacy, you make a few modifications in your self-perception. However, these modifications lead to more conflicts not only with yourself but also with external world. In this dazed state of inadequacy, you live like a child sunken below the layers of social incumbency. Even after becoming an adult and even after having your kids, you behave like a kid. Therefore, you attain maturity only when you break out of your pupa and then blossom into completeness like an imago. Then, you become a fully integrated person and start living your true essence which is unmodified in any sort of way.


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